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The Ayele Foundation

The Mission of Ayele:

The mission of the Ayele Foundation is to provide every child in rural Ghana with a better future through the fostering of literacy and embracing of technology. We believe that by creating educational opportunities in vulnerable areas and addressing the need for enhanced curriculums and teacher retention, students from rural areas will be able to lead their communities through scholarship and community development. By doing so in a manner that addresses the need for electricity generation and technology development in rural areas, those advancements can be made even more effectively and with more enduring results.

What Makes Ayele Different?


Our mission to build schools is just the beginning. Developing new educational curriculums, building sustainable structures, attracting passionate educators, and bringing technology to rural Ghana has the ability to change the lives of countless children.

Creating Schools That Grow


One of the most essential parts of the mission of the Ayele Foundation is to build schools. That has been the goal from the beginning: to create safe buildings where children can focus on learning, rather than on the integrity of their buildings.

Be The Change With Ayele


Joining Ayele in its mission can take on many different forms, from fundraising and donations to study abroad opportunities. Each phase of our mission involves people just like you– passionate about helping students in rural Ghana develop skills for the future.